Master of Science in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management

E-Mobility, Autonomous Driving and Systems Engineering

Automotive companies are developing new technologies to enhance mobility, focusing on eco-friendly solutions like electric and hybrid vehicles. These rely on embedded electronics to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. Demand for safer, cost-effective products drives innovation in design and development.

Advanced technologies, such as driver assistance systems, depend on real-time wireless communication. Low-cost components like microcontrollers, sensors, and communication busses, once customized, unlock new capabilities by leveraging vehicle data. Concepts like client-server communication support model-based, process-oriented system design.

The Master’s Program in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management equips both new and established players with a system-oriented approach to the future of mobility.

Key Facts

  • Structure: Part-time (but enrolled as a fulltime student)
  • Duration: 15 months plus time needed for master's thesis (varies)
  • Module abroad in Barcelona, Spain: one of the management modules is held at the prestigious ESADE Business School in Barcelona/ Spain.
  • Costs: 36,000.00 € (thirty-six thousand Euro) overall (detailed information on our costs and fees webpage)
  • Language: English
  • Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 90 ECTS
  • Start: Every year in October (flexible schedule possible)
  • Application deadline: There is none. We have a rolling application process.
  • Admission requirements: First academic degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master or Diploma), at least 2 years professional experience, English language proficiency. Find more here.
  • Accreditation: by aaq

Focus Points

  • Automotive Systems in times of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0: Integration of Cyber Physical Systems & Big Data Handling
  • Automotive Standards & Applications (autonomous driving, alternative drivetrains and more)
  • Data Communication Topologies and Technologies (e.g. CAN, Flexray or wireless/car2x, Ethernet)
  • Worldwide Release & Configuration Management
  • Testing 2.0 (beyond classical HiL)
  • Security & Safety (according to ISO26262, ASIL)
  • Process Maturity Level Assessments (CMMI, SPICE)


Be the Prime Mover with a Master in Mobility Systems Engineering

The master's program Mobility Systems Engineering and Management is divided into 5 engineering and 5 management modules of 2 weeks each, over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a master thesis written in the company (9 months) and often used as a innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.

Engineering Modules Management Modules
  • Processes, Methods & Tools of Systems Engineering
  • Systems Design
  • Systems Integration & Validation

Specialization Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS):

  • Functions of ADAS
  • Components & Technologies of ADAS

Specialization e-Mobility:

  • E-Mobility: Political & Technical Framework
  • E-Mobility: Components & Technology
  • Marketing & Data Science
  • Finance & Value
  • Decisions & Risk
  • Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship (at ESADE, Barcelona)
  • Strategy & People
Ms. Katrin OlböterHECTOR School, KIT
Find out if this program is right for you!

Katrin Olböter (she / her)
Manager Recruitment & Admissions

info does-not-exist.hectorschool com

+49 721 608 47019

Program details

Industry (industry 4.0) and mobility, mainly vehicles for automated driving, electrical drive trains and car-2-x communication are strongly influenced by todays developments. As a consequence, sustainable mobility concepts are increasingly using embedded electronic systems to maximize efficiency, enable automation and reduce pollution.

Specialization Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

  • Car-to-X Communication
  • Driver assistance systems for autonomous driving (incl. sensors & systems, security aspects)
  • Environment perception (optical sensors & systems, impact security, comfort & efficiency)
  • Vehicle traffic interaction, e.g. automotive radar technology and car-to-X communication
Read more about the content of the Master´s program Mobility Systems Engineering and Management and download the program catalogue.


Specialization e-Mobility

  • Electric Power Train: Concepts, architectures, technologies (e.g. signal processing, real time systems) & design of electrical drive systems & complex electronic systems
  • Energy supply, storage & conversion (e.g. batteries, fuel cells, H² storage, powertrain systems)
  • Charging Management





International Cooperation

HECTOR School maintains fruitful cooperations with various academic partners worldwide. In the Master’s program Mobility Systems and Management, one of the Management modules is held in Barcelona at ESADE Business School. Find here some impressions of participants and their time at the the ESADE Business School.


esade logo ESADE
Timetable 2025/26 HECTOR School
Academic Calendar Intake 2025

Program Structure

The concurrently taught Executive Master Program is designed for working professionals. Block lectures scheduled at intervals allow participants to continue with demanding careers while acquiring new skills.

5 Management Modules presents broader knowledge in management know-how, including two modules conveying the universal topic of digitisation and the associated disruptive innovations. The 5 Engineering Modules provide deeper knowledge in technological topics.

Download the  Academic Calendar Intake 2025 (PDF)


Order now our so called "Content Overview and Learning Targets" (COLT) to get a better understanding into the content of your favoured Master Program. You will get an overview over

  • Study objectives (e.g. professional qualification for certain activities, scientific work, knowledge of methods)
  • Structure of the study programme
  • Content and definition of courses (sub-areas, focal points)
  • Study plan

Click here to request your "Content Overview and Learning Targets" handbook.


Participants of Mobility Systems Engineering and Management

Professionals working in the development, production or integration of embedded systems within the following industries:

  • Automotive industry with suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers
  • Railway industry
  • Other vehicle industries (e.g. bike industry, ground support equipment, farm machines, automated guided vehicles)
  • Electronic and software industry

Career Perspectives after Graduation

The challenges of todays mobile world require globally thinking visionaries, engineers and managers who are able to combine competences in mechanical and electrical engineering with excellent know-how in economics, business management and law.

Graduates of the Master´s program Mobility Systems Engineering & Management receive a unique interdisciplinary education in systems engineering and state-of-the-art technologies in autonomous driver assistance systems or e-mobility at one of the best technical universities worldwide. The KIT Master of Science Degree will foster the graduates careers in the above named industries to a large extent.

Alumnus voice

"The five Engineering Modules give a deep insight into the new challenges of the automotive industry. Highly experienced lecturers show the state-of-the-art research in the topics of electro engines, batteries, but also cognitive systems or embedded systems. This broad variety of subjects combined with the five Management Modules with a lot of case studies are the perfect fundament for a further personnel development. On top, you are still able to continue your current job and to introduce the new methods to your daily business life.”
Alexander Spies, HECTOR School Graduate, Behr GmbH & Co. KG

Find more Alumni Voices of our Master´s Programs

Academic Requirements

  • University degree in a relevant subject
  • Professional experience (at least 1-2 years) & current employment
  • English proficiency

Detailed description of all admission requirements

Admission Statutes

Download here the statutes for admission (German PDF) to the Master's program in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management.


Program Directors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax
Head of Institute for Information Processing Technology (ITIV), KIT 

Get to know Prof. Sax in his interview.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel
Head of the Institute of Operations Research (IOR), KIT

Get to know Prof. Nickel in his interview.

Head of Specialization ADAS

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Gauterin
Head of Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST), KIT

Head of Specialization e-Mobility

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer
Professor of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) at the Electrotechnical Institute (ETI), KIT


KIT Teaching Quality


Specialization E-Mobility

Drive technologies and topologies must be re-evaluated with regard to the overarching goal of climate and environmental protection. Learn more about the technical components of both electric and hybrid vehicles from scooters to cars to the powertrain in this specialization of our M.Sc. in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management.

Read more here
Advanced Driver Adaptive SystemsHECTOR School, KIT
Specialization Advanced Driver Adaptive Systems

Driver assistance systems help the driver and the vehicle. With the specialization in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems of the M. Sc. in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management, you will be empowered to bring the future of mobility to the road.

Read more here

Admission Requirements HECTOR School, KIT
Admission Requirements

Find out which requirements you need in order to be admitted to our Master's programs.

Engineering Qualification iStock/gorodenkoff
Further Qualification for Engineers

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Future Mobility Topics

Martina Waldner HECTOR School, KIT

If you have any inquiries regarding our programs, the application process and more, our Program Consultants are happy to help.

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Career Counseling
Career Counseling

We assist you in finding the best education program to fit your individual needs and career profile.

Interview Prof. Sax KIT

Faces behind HECTOR School:
Program Director Prof. Sax gives insights.


Professor Doppelbauer KIT

Faces behind HECTOR School:
Program Director Prof. Doppelbauer gives insights