Accreditation of the Master of Science Programs

The KIT is system-accredited by AAQ. All HECTOR School master programs have successfully passed the internal quality assurance system of the KIT and are thereby accredited.

Since May 2014, the KIT is system-accredited by AAQ, the Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance. This agency is under the authority of the Swiss Accreditation Council and carries out accreditation procedures in higher education institutions in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

With the system accreditation procedure, AAQ evaluates the internal quality assurance systems of higher education institutions. As the KIT was successfully system-accredited, it is now permitted to accredit its study programs via its approved internal QAS.

The HECTOR School master programs have successfully passed this internal quality assurance procedure in February 2017 and are continuously accredited by the KIT since then. 

Before that, the HECTOR School master programs have been accredited by ASIIN.

KIT Accreditation Document


Master Programs for Engineers, Computer Scientists and Economists


Master in Energy Engineering and Management

The energy transition is associated with many challenges which require special skills and knowledge. Energy Engineering and Management covers all these aspects providing the skills to successfully face the evolving working environment.

Brighten Your Career
Master in Financial Engineering


Fast-evolving financial markets constantly set new challenges while progress in quantitative tools and computer technology open up entirely new opportunities. Financial Engineering qualifies graduates to meet all these needs.

Develop your Assets
Master in Information Systems Engineering and Management

Rapidly evolving information technologies drive the digital transformation of products, services, and organizations. Successful enablers of digital transformation require a profound understanding and integration of business and information technology.

Be the next Enabler Planet Studio
Master in Management of Product Development

Product development is the driver of innovation. With this scientifically sound and practice-oriented training program, you will be qualified to become the driving force for successful product innovation in your company.

Set the Agenda
Master in Mobility Systems Engineering &
Master in Mobility Systems Engineering & Management

This program introduces processes, methods and tools to solve the current and future challenges of e-mobility, autonomous driving, communication-over-the-air, and worldwide release & configuration management.

Be the Prime Mover
Master in Production & Operations Management

Design & operation of production systems and supply chains is undergoing a change which many companies recognize too late. Students of Production & Operations Management learn to encounter the challenge of striving for global optimum of the value creating chain through up-to-date theory and advanced technologies.

Be a Game Changer