During your Study - FAQ


Studying at HECTOR School

Attendance at lectures

Attendance in lecture and strong participation is highly recommended. We believe that meeting your professors and student colleagues in person is helping you to gain valuable knowledge and skills.

If you are unable to attend, an official excuse including reason must be provided before the start of the module. If you become ill, an attestation must be provided within three days.


The Master Program is split in 5 Engineering and 5 Management Modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a master thesis written in the company (EEM: 9 months) and often used as an innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.

Please have a look at the time tables in the information download section.



Exams take place during the modules either on Saturdays, during lectures or during the week in the evening.


Exams can be written or oral. In some lectures you might be asked to hold a presentation or do a case study.


In order to attend an exam, you need to register in writing at the Examination Office of the HECTOR School. If you are unable to participate in the exam an official excuse must be issued, prior to exam start.


If you fail a written exam, you have the possibility to repeat the exam once more. A repetition is possible a couple of weeks after the first attempt and will take place in the same mode as the first exam. 
If you fail a written exam twice, an oral exam will take place. 

An oral exam can only be repeated once.
The dates will be organized in cooperation with the Examination Office.