Financial Support

HECTOR School Partner Scholarships

On an irregular basis, the HECTOR School offers special partnership scholarships based on cooperation agreements. The current partnership scholarships are available:


In case you need external funding support, the HECTOR School recommends the following fund organizations:

Official Scholarship Funds

  • ALEARG: Argentinian students may apply for this scholarship. This joint program with DAAD supports scholarship holders for up to two years.

  • BAfÖG: BAföG is receivable by german students if they fulfil certain requirements. Visit the website for more information about the requirements.

  • Banco Interamericano de Desarollo: (BID) (Inter-American Development Bank IDB): 1300 New York Avenue - Washingston, D.C. 20577 - USA. Not applicable for Asians and Africans.

  • Bildungsscheck (education voucher): Only refers to participants from North-Rhine-Westphalia.

  • British Council: 10 Spring Gardens - GB-London SW1 A2BN, UK. Please contact your British Council representative.

  • CHE: summary, comparison and test of different study credits. Answers essential questions about student loans.

  • Colfuturo: Students from Colombia can apply for a loan/scholarship from Colfuturo. The costs of study are divided in two parts, with Colfuturo covering one half of the costs and providing a loan for the other part. More information regarding this financing possibility can be found on their website.

  • CONACYT: Students from Mexico can apply for either a full or a partial scholarship. All tuition fees are covered in this joint programme with the DAAD and the scholarship gives additional support for monthly living.

  • Cusanus-Werk: Secretary: Maria Schilling, Tel.: +49 (0)228 98384-27, maria.schilling(at)

  • DAAD: Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst - German Academic Exchange Service

  • DAAD Scholarship for International Students: For these DAAD scholarships, only Master’s degree students from selected countries may apply. However, the selection process is highly competitive. International students and graduates looking for detailed information on available funding opportunities, please visit the DAAD Scholarship’s database. Applications must be submitted by the students either to the German Embassy in their home country or to a DAAD branch office there.

  • EED: Evangelischer Entwicklungs Dienst - Church Development Service. It is an organisation of the Protestant Churches in Germany.

  • For one postgraduate student, offers a scholarship of up to €5000 to help cover your tuition fees. The scholarship is receivable by any student from any country who will be studying a master’s degree abroad at a European university. The scholarship will be awarded for the Spring semester 2021.

  • European Development Fund (EDF): Directorate-General for Development, 2000 Rue de la Loi., B-1049 Brussels, Belgium. Only applicable for candidates from countries under the Lomé Convention (now called: Cononou Agreement).

  • Femtec Career Building: The KIT is a partner university of Femtec. Femtec takes your education to a new level – with indispensable content for your personal development and valuable connections to top organisations.

  • Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Abteilung Studienförderung, Godesberger Allee 149, D-53170 Bonn, Phone +49 (0)228/ 883-0, Fax +49 (0)228 / 883 - 697, E-mail presse∂fes de

  • Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation: Foundation by the german liberal political party. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom's scholarship programme for the gifted awards scholarships to students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines at universities of applied sciences and universities.

  • Fulbright-Kommission: Oranienburger Str. 13-14, D-10178 Berlin, Phone +49 (0)30/28444-3, Fax +49 (0)30/28444-42, E-mail fulkom∂fulbright de

  • Government of india: Director, Higher Education, Central Building, Pune - 411001 M.S. (India), helpline number: +91-8104722711, +91-8208653903, email: foreignscholarship2019 does-not-exist.synthesys in

  • Hanns Seidel Foundation​​​​​​: Lazarettstraße 33, D-80636 München, Phone +49 (0)89/1258-0, Fax +49 (0)89/1258-356, E-mail info∂hss de

  • Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Rosenthalerstraße 40/41, D-10178 Berlin, Phone +49 (0)30/28534-0, Fax +49 (0)30/28534-109, E-mail info∂boell de

  • International Education Financial Aid External Link (IEFA): Providing information about international financial aid & scholarships since 1998, 224 First Street, Neptune Beach, FL 32266

  • KAAD: Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst - Catholic Academic Exchange Service. Hausdorffstraße 151, D-53129 Bonn, Germany. For Catholics mainly from Ethopia, Ghana, Kenya, Zimbabwe and also from Benin, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia. Please send curriculum vitae, degree or professional diploma and academic transcripts, description of church-based social acitivites to: Dr. Thomas Scheidtweiler, address as above. On passing the first selection procedure you will receive the organisation's application documents. Submit these to your local or regional representation of KAAD who will inform about your further steps.

  • KfW Study Loan: Abt. Begabtenförderung, Rathausallee 12, D-53757 St. Augustin, Germany. For nationals from all countries. Applicants from Latin America, Asia and Africa are requested to apply at their respective local or regional KAS offices. The loan of up to 650€ per month is available for national and international students, the duration of support is determined individually. The application for international students is only possible within the period May 16th, 2020 – February 15th, 2021! Further information can be found in German and partly in English

  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (KAS): Abt. Begabtenförderung, Rathausallee 12, D-53757 St. Augustin, Germany. For nationals from all countries. Applicants from Latin America, Asia and Africa are requested to apply at their respective local or regional KAS offices.

  • Minerva Foundation: Gesellschaft für die Forschung mbH, Hofgartenstr. 8, D-80539 München, Phone +49 (0)89/2108-0, Fax +49 (0)89/2108-1451

  • Organization of American States (OAS): Washington, D.C. 20006, USA. Only applicable for candidates from OAS member states.

  • Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V.: Kennedyallee 105-107, D-53175 Bonn, Phone +49 (0)228/8163-0, Fax +49 (0)228/8163-300, E-mail post∂obs-ev de

  • Proabschluss: Only refers to professionals in Hessen.

  • PTDF - Scholarship Portal: Petroleum Technology Development Fund for Nigerians. KIT is one of the universities where studies are fully covered (tuition and living expenses).

  • Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation: Foundation by the german left-winged political party. It gives preference to applications from women, students of non-academic and migrant backgrounds, the socially needy, and people with disabilities who demonstrate comparable achievements and commitment. Applications from undergraduate and doctoral students from scientific and technical disciplines are actively encouraged, as well as from graduates of technical colleges.

  • State Government India: External Scholarship Division, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, West Block 1, 2nd Floor, Wing 6, Room No. 5, R. K. Puram, Sector 1, New Delhi 110066.Most of the scholarships are for Research, Master’s and Doctoral studies, Tele: 011 26172492, 011- 26172917. 


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VDI Scholarship of the HECTOR School HECTOR School, KIT
Partial Scholarship

The HECTOR School offers in cooperation with the VDI a partial scholarship for two of the master´s programs.

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