Admission Requirements for the HECTOR School M.Sc. Programs
University Qualification
First academic degree: Bachelor, Master, Diploma, etc. (University, University of Applied Sciences, Cooperative State University) in a relevant subject, such as Engineering, Natural Sciences, Information Science or Economics. In exceptional cases other degrees may be accepted.
Master of Science in Energy Engineering and Management
First university degree in:
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Business engineering
- Economics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Chemical engineering
- Process engineering
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Thermodynamics
- Fluid mechanics
- Electrical energy systems
Under certain circumstances, other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).
Master of Science in Financial Engineering
First university degree in:
- Economics
- Business informatics
- Business mathematics
- Industrial engineering
- Physics
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Micro- and macroeconomics
- Finance or internal and external accounting
In exceptional cases other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).
Master of Science in Information Systems Engineering and Management
First university degree in:
- Economics
- Computer science
- Information technology
- Business engineering
- Physics
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Theoretical and technical computer science
- Programming
- Databases
- Operations research
- Micro- and macroeconomics
- Production Technology
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Logistics
- Measurement and Control Technology
- Circuit Technology
Under certain circumstances, other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).
Master of Science in Management of Product Development
First university degree in:
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Mechatronics
- Business engineering
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Methods for designing and dimensioning machine systems
- Manufacturing engineering
- Materials science or engineering mechanics
In exceptional cases, other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).
Master of Science in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management
First university degree in:
- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Information technology
- Mechatronics
- Sensor system engineering
- Automation engineering
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Control engineering
- Power transformation
- Drive technology
- Manufacturing engineering
- Materials science
- Electronic materials and devices
- Circuit technology,
- Microelectronics
- Telecommunications
- Basic physical knowledge of electrical engineering or metrology
Under certain circumstances, other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).
Master of Science in Production and Operations Management
First university degree in:
- Logistics
- Information technology
- Industrial engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- or a related subject
Basic knowledge in:
- Higher mathematics or stochastic
Basic knowledge in one of the following fields:
- Production engineering
- Automation engineering
- Extraction technology
- Logistics or manufacturing engineering
In exceptional cases other degrees may be accepted (e.g. depending on professional experience).

Ms. Katrin Olböter
Manager Recruitment & Admissions
info ∂does-not-exist.hectorschool com
+49 721 608 47019