Alumni Stammtische
Upcoming Dates:
- April 01, 2025 at Hannover Messe
- April 10, 2025 excursion to efeuCampus Bruchsal GmbH
- July 05, 2025 at Stuttgart
- October 10, 2025 Alumni Meeting (agenda is still being finalized)
Please get in touch with us at alumni∂ if you would like to invite to a company visit or discuss an exciting topic in a Fireside Chat.
Registration Guidelines
Please note: The Stammtische are offered first for alumni, then also current students. Within these groups, places are available on a first come, first served basis - there are only 30 open slots for every Stammtisch!
If you want to come, please register as soon as possible, else there might be no slots left. Please let us know if you do not manage to come, so that your place will be free for others.
If there are less than five registrations, we will cancel the event a few days upfront.

February 2025: the first-ever international Alumni Stammtisch took place in the vibrant metropolis of Istanbul, co-hosted with the KIT Alumni Network. Martina and Prof. Sax (ITIV) joined the lively exchange, filled with shared memories of university days. Not even unexpected snowfall could stop the alumni from enjoying a warm and memorable evening.

November 2024: We were invited to SICK AG, where we gained fascinating insights into cutting-edge sensor technologies. The stroll through the Freiburg Christmas Market offered a perfect blend of festive cheer and networking. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow alumni in a relaxed and festive setting.

June 2024: We met up with alumni and had dinner together at the restaurant "Tout oder Sie" in Munich. The atmosphere was wonderful, with a perfect mix of warm summer breeze, lively conversations and professional exchange.

March 2024: What an inspiring event to celebrate Women's Day together. Our HECTOR School alumna Franziska Feßenmayr shared her personal experiences and joined the lively discussion with the other speakers.

November 2023: Thomas Neumann, Head of KIT-Gründerschmiede and Matthias Frielingsdorf, alumnus of Information Systems Engineering & Management and now Co-Founder & VP of Research of iVerify gave expert tips and insights into the world of entrepreneurship.

November 2023: Markus Erdmann, Mobility Systems Engineering and Management Intake 2019 and Head of Productmanagement – Electric Trucks at Designwerk Group invited us to visit his company and we learned how the Designwerk Group is designing the electric mobility of tomorrow.

December 2022: This seasons can not start any better: Alumni Stammtisch in Frankfurt at the Christmas market! 15 alumni were there - and even colleagues. It was so great to meet new and old familiar faces!

June 2022: Presentations on the disruptive technology hydrogen, new findings from research and industry application - and of course drinks and snacks. Thank you for giving insights into your work Markus Erdmann (Alumnus 2019) and Prof. Olaf Jedicke (Scientific Manager of the Hydrogen Group at ITES)!

March 2022: We presented the results of our Ph.D. survey and welcomed as guests Jutta Klein-Hitpaß from the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists and Dr. Philipp Tallafuss (POM, Intake 2013). We got plenty of insights and tips when considering a doctorate.

October 2021: Alumna Britta Daffner (Intake 2014) joined us to explore answers to questions like: Will artificial intelligence soon replace humans? And what challenges but also opportunities does this pose for us and our humanity?

September 2021: Tarte flambée all you can eat and so many different types of tarte flambée that we couldn't try them all. What more could you want? A great group of HECTOR School Alumni in a good mood and lots of conversations and reasons to laugh together! Thank you for a great evening!

February 2021: We are glad that Markus Gauder (MPD Intake 2005) was the main act. He is Sales Operations Manager for the ABB Division "Measurement & Analytics" globally and for the Region Europe. Markus, who is located in the United Arab Emirates, has about 20 years of experience in international business and worked in different functions. In his professional power quarter hour he talked about how to be a team player and leader of multicultural and virtual teams.

December 2020: We were more than delighted to have won Alumna Eda Epp as a speaker for our first virtual Alumni Stammtisch. Dr.-Ing. Eda Epp had joined the Production and Operation Management Intake 2005 and gave you a short insight in her CV, followed by a professional power quarter hour covering current changes in the automobile industry: Moving from corporate structure to start-up culture: new business models.

March 2020: We were 22 people enjoying an Asian BBQ Buffet. To everyone who can count – the picture is from the beginning – but when the group grew we had other things like chatting on our minds.

We enjoyed a glass of hot glühwein at the Christmas Market and a dinner together in the beautiful wintertown Stuttgart. What a beautiful attunement for the Christmas time.

Delicious food and fun conversations, nothing more to wish for! The ambience of the Cologne cathedral and the beginning of the carnival made this evening even more special.

On this evening we met with alumni and had dinner together. It was a very lovely atmosphere with interesting conversations.

Thanks alot to Siemens for showing us around on the Siemens-Campus and various exciting presentations on the latest relevant topics in Engineering.

Thanks to all participants for an inspiring evening with many sophisticated discussions, great food and delicious drinks.

We enjoyed a great dinner in the evening. What a wonderful skyline Frankfurt has to offer! Thanks to all participants.

This lovely evening had to offer good food, different drinks, much networking and an unique atmosphere in the hansa town Hamburg.

Hot glühwein, a cheerful atmosphere and a delicious dinner made this evening along with many interesting conversations special - thank you very much!

Thank to Trumpf for the great insights yesterday evening into industry4.0@Trumpf! It was a great evening. Find some impressions on our Facebook page .

The hansa town Hamburg welcomed us with great food, delicate drinks and good weather. Thanks to all participants!

A warm atmosphere, cheerful participants and an extensive dinner made this evening a memorable one. Thanks to all who have participated.

Thanks to all participants for a great evening with a delicious dinner in this beautiful town.

Thanks for all who have participated. It was a great evening with many interesting conversations and a lot of networking. Find some impressions on our Facebook page.

It was a pleasure to meet you all - thanks to all participants for a great evening with networking, wonderful meals and delicious beer.