What makes us unique?
The Technology Business School is comprised of an international and diverse faculty leveraging innovative research whilst also teaching excellence in the lecture room. Situated in modern facilities and supported by an international team, service comes first.
On the initiative and with the support of Dr. h.c. Hans-Werner Hector, a founding member of SAP, and his wife Josefine Hector, the cornerstones of the study concept of the HECTOR School were defined in spring 2004.
The HECTOR School is operated under the organizational and administrative umbrella of the International Department gGmbH of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The International Department is a private service institution of the KIT founded in 1998. With 4 market schools and two research institutions, English-speaking B.Sc., M.Sc., part-time M.Sc., and Ph.D. programs are offered and carried out in close cooperation with relevant actors from industry and business to prepare participants for a future career in German and international job market.
Being „The Research University in the Helmholtz Association“, the KIT creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is the objective to make significant contributions to the global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. Within these three fields, all the Master´s programs and compact continuing education formats of the HECTOR School are located.
All programs of the HECTOR School have access to extensive necessary research resources in the form of laboratory facilities through the participating institutes of the KIT to meet the demand to incorporate the latest research results into the teaching contents. Besides, the ID building provides the necessary infrastructure and equipment for a functional and representative working environment for the participants.
Facts and Figures
- We are committed to further education for professionals and companies since 2005.
- The HECTOR School Academy, a customized training program for companies, was foundes 2018.
- We have 6 Master programs and several compact continuing education formats
Our 4 Unique Value Propositions:
Technology transfer & innovation from one of the best engineering and research universities worldwide, the KIT
Management & technology: the closely linked combination makes our programs unique. Participant are able to enhance sustainable competitiveness of their companies.
The power of networks is supported professionally between Academia and industry as well as across industries worldwide.
Part-time programs guarantee perfect planning for participants as well as for their companies and enable simultaneous study and work.
The International Department of the KIT
The KIT, with its excellent reputation for its classic majors and decades of cooperation with the industry, possesses the optimal potential for offering postgraduate to learn with many practical applications on a high scientific level. Furthermore, the KIT holds the International Department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology gGmbH (ID) since 1998, a commercial service facility that is tied closely to the KIT through various school concepts. With the HECTOR School under the umbrella of the ID, this enables the organizational processing and service-oriented proposal of an extra occupational master program and, at the same time in close cooperation with the faculties of the KIT, the curricular development of the programs. Concurrently, through the involved institutes, the program has all the necessary research resources at hand, e.g. laboratories, to include up to date research findings in the programs content.

KIT is an official University of Excellence. The exceptional quality of both research and teaching at KIT is repeatedly confirmed by different international rankings, so you can be sure to get the highest quality of education.
Learn how we make the grade
Your success is our commitment. The HECTOR School offers top-level teaching derived from state-of-the-art research at the KIT. Professors as well as adjunct faculties and industry experts guarantee excellence in all of our further education programs.
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Inquiries regarding further education programs, application process, industry cooperation, or customized solutions? High service standard, personally and on an international level: The team of the HECTOR School will be of your assistance.
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