Established in 2005 the HECTOR School of Engineering & Management is the Technology Business School of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) .
The HECTOR School serves as a platform for the part-time further education of engineers, economists, and computer scientists. Six M.Sc. programs address the technological changes in development, production, logistics, financial management, information technology, as well as renewable energy and mobility systems. The focus is on developing a holistic expertise in both technology and management.
Shorter and tailor-made continuing education formats are consolidated within the HECTOR School Academy. This enables employees to receive updates in knowledge and competence in central, future-oriented fields. Facilitating the application of practical insights from research into businesses is made possible and ensured with a strong practical orientation. The entire portfolio of the HECTOR School Academy is currently organized into the areas of energy, digitalization, Industry 4.0, and mobility.
It‘s not for nothing that the KIT is worldwide renown for its German Engineering expertise. The HECTOR Schools aims to support industry as well as individuals in regards to life-long-learning and strategic personnel development. The innovative interdisciplinary concept also provides professionals with an opportunity to improve themselves in matters of other disciplines, branches and cultures.
HECTOR School graduates will be able to execute state-of-the-art technology expertise combined with current management know-how in an international working environment. In doing so they will foster innovations and the success of their companies.
As the Technology Business School of the KIT, the HECTOR School is committed to excellence executive education in technology management.

KIT is an official University of Excellence. The exceptional quality of both research and teaching at KIT is repeatedly confirmed by different international rankings, so you can be sure to get the highest quality of education.
Learn how we make the grade
HECTOR School maintains strategic alliances with companies worldwide. In order to foster their future competitiveness, we provide high-level lifelong learning solutions tailor-made for industry needs. Transform innovation through knowledge with us.
Benefit from the best
Our six Master of Science programs combine cutting-edge technology and management expertise. Designed in close cooperation with the industry, they are a perfect match for ambitious engineers, computer scientists, and economists.
Read more about our Master´s Programs