FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Introducing HECTOR School

Why should I study at HECTOR School?

The HECTOR School is the Technology Business School of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). We offer Executive Master Programs (part-time), Certificate Courses, and Customized Partner Programs.


  1. Know-How & Technology Transfer
    from one of the best engineering universities worldwide, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
  2. Competitiveness & Innovation
    are fostered by our holistic lifelong learning approach, combining technology & management know-how.
  3. Power of Networks
    is supported professionally between academia and industry as well as across industries worldwide.
  4. Part-Time Programs
    guarantee perfect planning for participants as well as for their companies and enable simultaneous study and work


The HECTOR School programs allow their participants to gain high-level academic qualification while being able to work at the same time. Due to the part-time approach of all programs, professionals can continue their challenging careers.


Ms. Katrin OlböterHECTOR School, KIT
Further Questions?

Ms. Katrin Olböter
Manager Recruitment & Admissions

info does-not-exist.hectorschool com

+49 721 608 47019


Applying at HECTOR School

What are the requirements to apply at HECTOR School?

First academic degree: Bachelor, Master, Diploma, etc. (University, University of Applied Sciences, Cooperative State University) in a relevant subject, such as Engineering, Natural Sciences, Information Science or Economics. In exceptional cases other degrees may be accepted.  



If English is not your mother tongue, we need an English language proficiency test certificate. Possible certificates are:

  • Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)
    • Minimum of 570 points in paper-based TOEFL Test
    • Minimum of 230 points  in computer-based TOEFL Test
    • Minimum of 90 points in internet-based TOEFL Test
  • IELTs with a minimum of 6,5 points

No. All programs and Social Events will be held in English. But you can learn German. For more information about language schools, courses and so on click here.


A minimum of 2 years of professional experience in the specific field of the Master Program (depending on the first degree´s level). The HECTOR School recommends an experience of 3 years. References are needed as evidence



Each master’s program has individual knowledge requirements. Please read our page about our admission requirements for further information.


How do I apply?

You have to apply through our online application portal.


For a program start in October, applications need to be submitted as soon as possible. Especially if a visa is required please keep in mind that the visa process may take several weeks.


  • Curriculum vitae (file format: .pdf)
  • Certificates (e.g. Bachelor certificate, transcript of records, diploma supplement) (file format: .pdf)
  • Passport photograph (file format: .jpg)
  • Letter of recommendation regarding your skills (e.g. by your employer, former employer, or former professor) (file format: .pdf)
  • English language proficiency test certificate
    (if English is not your mother tongue nor has it been the language of instruction for the last five years), if already available (file format: .pdf)
  • Optionally, other documents proving your qualification
  • Declaration of financial support


If you need any help regarding your application please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail:

+49 (0)721 608 47879




Fees for HECTOR School

The KIT will increase the tuition fees as of the winter term 2024/25 (i.e. 1st October 2024). The total amount of tuition fees will then be 36,000.00 € (thirty-six thousand Euro) for the entire Master´s program (excl. enrollment fees at each enrolled semester).

Differing length of studies does not increase the total tuition fee. Please note that this fee is tax-deductible.

For detailed information please check out our information about costs and fees.

Find here KIT's statute of 2013 on the fees of the M. Sc. programs of the HECTOR School and update of the program names.

Find here the KIT's official announcement of 2023 on the adjusted fees of the M. Sc. programs of the HECTOR School to 36,000 € (thirty-six thousand Euro).

The official documents are only available in German. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: info∂hectorschool.com

The fees are paid in four equal installments.

For detailed information and exemplary payment plans please check out our information about costs and fees.

Usually, the HECTOR School does not offer scholarships.

Please read our information about financial support.


Studying at HECTOR School

Attendance at lectures

Attendance in lecture and strong participation is highly recommended. We believe that meeting your professors and student colleagues in person is helping you to gain valuable knowledge and skills.

If you are unable to attend, an official excuse including reason must be provided before the start of the module. If you become ill, an attestation must be provided within three days.


The Master Program is split in 5 Engineering and 5 Management Modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a master thesis written in the company (EEM: 9 months) and often used as an innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.

Please have a look at the time tables in the information download section.


Recognition of previous lectures and pursue a Ph.d.

Achievements from previous study programs/extramural courses may be recognized if the competences you have acquired are equivalent to those that shall be replaced. If you want to have a previous achievement recognized, please follow the instructions from the figure and hand in the application form together with a course description and a transcript of records to the Examination Office of the HECTOR School. Be aware that your application must be sent within the first semester of enrollment.

For more information, please contact Ms. Franziska Reetz.


Each university and department has individual regulations with respect to requirements for a PhD.  Therefore, we recommend checking the individual promotion regulation of your preferred university.

A Master’s degree from HECTOR School generally allows you to start a PhD at the three departments of the KIT that are involved in our programs: Department of Economics and Management, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Please check their program regulation with respect to the required Master grade and further specifications.



Exams take place during the modules either on Saturdays, during lectures or during the week in the evening.


Exams can be written or oral. In some lectures you might be asked to hold a presentation or do a case study.


In order to attend an exam, you need to register in writing at the Examination Office of the HECTOR School. If you are unable to participate in the exam an official excuse must be issued, prior to exam start.


If you fail a written exam, you have the possibility to repeat the exam once more. A repetition is possible a couple of weeks after the first attempt and will take place in the same mode as the first exam. 
If you fail a written exam twice, an oral exam will take place. 

An oral exam can only be repeated once.
The dates will be organized in cooperation with the Examination Office. 


Jobs and Internships

You have the possibility to study abroad at one of KIT’s partner universities. It is advisable to choose a university offering a similar course of study to your own.

We recommend you to inform yourself before your stay abroad which of the chosen courses can be recognized by HECTOR School.  

For studying abroad you also have the possibilty of a leave of absence.
For further information please contact Franziska Reetz franziska.reetz∂kit.edu

Find some information and tipps in our newsroom on how to apply for a job in Germany:

Curriculum Vitae (CV): Get here the most important information and useful tips at a glance and make an excellent first impression on your future employer.

Job Interview: Make sure to be well-prepared for this appointment in order to convince the person in the interview of your skills. In the following article you will get insights on what you can expect in a job interview and  how you can prepare yourself for this event.

No-Nos Within the Job Application: There is no second chance for the first impression. There are a lot of no-nos regarding the job application process. See most common ones and try to avoid them.


Information on the conditions such as the maximum number of hours allowed for a temporary student job in addition to your studies can be found here (does not apply to full-time employment during your second further education).

Yes, in Germany there are lots of career fairs. For example:

VDI Recruiting Days

Einstieg Beruf ist die größte Messe für berufliche Ausbildung in der Region

Learntec: Lernen mit IT, Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress

Karrieremesse KIT, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Einstieg Karlsruhe, Studien- und Ausbildungsmesse

Career Contacts ist eine Firmenkontaktmesse der Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft


Order Master of Science Handbook KIT
Program Handbook
Career Counseling iStock.com/sitthiphong
Career Counseling

We assist you in finding the best education program to fit your individual needs and career profile.

Admission Process iStock.com/fizkes
Support during the Admissions Process

Unsure about how to apply to our Master's programs?