Master of Science in Management of Product Development

Agile Engineering of Mechatronic Systems

The master's program in Management of Product Development enables participants to analyze, design, operate, and implement product development processes in their companies in an optimized way. Based on a highly integrative and creative approach, they can successfully translate innovative ideas into competitive products.

Focus points of Management of Product Development

  • Agile engineering and design thinking
  • Innovation management
  • Collaboration methods and interdisciplinary development
  • Advanced systems engineering
  • Sustainable product design

Key Facts

  • Structure: Part-time (but enrolled as a fulltime student)
  • Duration: 15 months plus time needed for master's thesis (varies)
  • Module abroad in China: one engineering module is held at the KIT China branch in Suzhou in cooperation with the Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI)
  • Costs: 36,000.00 € (thirty-six thousand Euro) overall (detailed information on our costs and fees webpage)
  • Language: English
  • Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 90 ECTS
  • Start: Every year in October (flexible schedule possible)
  • Application deadline: There is none. We have a rolling application process.
  • Admission requirements: First academic degree (e.g. Bachelor, Master or Diploma), at least 2 years professional experience, English language proficiency. Find more here.
  • Accreditation: by aaq


Shape the Future through Innovation in Product Development

The master's program Management in Product Development is divided into 5 engineering and 5 management modules of 2 weeks, each over a period of 15 months. The modules are followed by a master thesis written in the company (9 months) and often used as a innovation project for the company. The overall duration is approx. 20 months.

Engineering Modules Management Modules
  • Integrated Product Development by ASD - Agile Systems Design
  • Design & Validation Process and Information Systems for Product Development (PD)
  • Simulation and Target Values in PD
  • Validation and Verification in PD
  • Tools and Methods of Product Engineering
  • Marketing & Data Science
  • Finance & Value
  • Decisions & Risk
  • Innovation & Projects
  • Strategy & People
Ms. Katrin OlböterHECTOR School, KIT
Find out if this program is right for you!

Katrin Olböter (she / her)
Manager Recruitment & Admissions

info does-not-exist.hectorschool com

+49 721 608 47019

Program details

The Master´s Program Management of Product Development considers itself as a combination of applied scientific research and application-oriented development in the areas of methods and processes of product development and systems and components of drive train engineering and mechatronics. Our objective is to find innovative solutions by the means of team-oriented work, based on performance and commitment of each member of the board.

International Cooperations

"Made in China" is becoming increasingly important and global players are steadily expanding their production facilities in China. Therefore, one of the Engineering Modules of the Master Program in Management of Product Development is held at the KIT China Branch in Suzhou in cooperation with the Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI) and at the Tongji University in Shanghai.

Download the program brochure

Timetable 2025/26 HECTOR School
Academic Calendar Intake 2025

Program Structure

The concurrently taught Executive Master Program is designed for working professionals. Block lectures scheduled at intervals allow participants to continue with demanding careers while acquiring new skills.

5 Management Modules presents broader knowledge in management know-how, including two modules conveying the universal topic of digitalization and the associated disruptive innovations. The 5 Engineering Modules provide deeper knowledge in technological topics.

Download the  Academic Calendar Intake 2025 (PDF)


Order now our so called "Content Overview and Learning Targets" (COLT) to get a better understanding into the content of your favoured Master Program. You will get an overview over

  • Study objectives (e.g. professional qualification for certain activities, scientific work, knowledge of methods)
  • Structure of the study programme
  • Content and definition of courses (sub-areas, focal points)
  • Study plan

Click here to request your "Content Overview and Learning Targets" handbook.

Participants of Product Development

Future engineering executives working in product development or product management, e.g. in:

  • Machinery and equipment industry
  • Automotive industry and suppliers
  • Measurement technology and cybernetics
  • Major appliances industry, e.g. white goods

Career Perspectives after Graduation

Participants of our program in Product Development strive for a demanding career in manufacturing companies in various industries. Product development is certainly one of the core means of adding value in companies. Only successful processes can lead to competitive products. Increasing demands for tailor-made product solutions, low production costs, high quality standards, reduced development times, and shortened product lifecycles require highly qualified professionals.

Alumnus Voice

"For me it was a great experience and a challenge to master this study. The HECTOR School Master Program Management of Product Development gave me a comprehensive understanding about today's product development challenges. In addition, Business and Management basics courses expanded the knowledge needed for my professional work. In the Master specific courses, I picked up a lot of new ideas and approaches, which are helpful in my job. My opinion is that this program was a very good professional development."
Thomas Kiefer, HECTOR School Graduate MPD, Thales Canada

Find more Alumni Voices of our Master´s Programs

Academic Requirements

  • University degree in a relevant subject
  • Professional experience (at least 1-2 years) & current employment
  • English proficiency

Detailed description of all admission requirements

Admission Statutes

Statutes for admission to the Master's programme in Financial Engineering (only available in German).

Admission statutes (German PDF)



Program Directors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Albert Albers
Head of Institute for Product Engineering (IPEK), KIT



Prof. Dr. Martin E. Ruckes
Institute for Finance, Banking and Insurance (FBV), KIT


KIT Teaching Quality

The HECTOR School offers top-level teaching derived from state-of-the-art research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Numerous institutes and departments of the KIT are involved in the HECTOR School Master Program Management of Product Development:


Martina Waldner HECTOR School, KIT

If you have any inquiries regarding our programs, the application process and more, our Program Consultants are happy to help.

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Admission Requirements HECTOR School, KIT
Admission Requirements

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Admission Process
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Study and Stay

Studying, Living and Working in Germany. 

autonomous robot Pluto HECTOR School, KIT
Use Case Project

Integrated Product Development Workshop: develop an autonomous personal transportation system!

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Trumpf Excursion Group Nikola Bursac
Industry Insight

At TRUMPF Machine Tools GmbH + Co. KG

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