Online Info Session: Career meets Sustainability: Pioneering Industry Transformation

Thursday, 13 June 2024, 13:00-14:00

Join us on a journey towards a sustainable future!


In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the intersection of career aspirations and sustainability demands has become increasingly pronounced. As industries around the world undergo a profound transformation driven by digitalization, there is a unique opportunity for individuals to drive change while advancing their professional development.

One way to achieve this is to integrate digitalization efforts with sustainability concepts. We already see this integration in various initiatives such as in energy-efficient monitoring systems, new battery materials or more resource-efficient production methods through advanced algorithms. Today, we are exploring further opportunities that digitalization offers for sustainable product development, with experts from KIT and industry sharing their insights. Martina Waldner, Senior Consultant at HECTOR School (KIT) will highlight the importance of technological progress and emphasizing the added value of sustainable continuing education for companies and employees.


We look forward to your participation. Registration is for free. 


>> Register here

Jelena Münch
HECTOR School of Engineering and Management
Schlossplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: jelena muench does-not-exist.kit edu