Technology of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles

Technology Of Hybrid Vehicles KIT

The participants gain a detailed knowledge of all drive train topologies for electric and hybrid electric vehicles and their benefits and shortcomings in specific applications (types of vehicles).

They will have a detailed understanding of the technical function and construction alternatives of all components required for electric drive trains, namely electric machines, power electronics and energy storage systems. This includes the underlying physical and technical principles as well as practical implementations in current electric vehicles.


  • Short introduction to the topic
  • Hybrid Drive Trains
  • Electrical Drive Trains
  • Energy demand of cars
  • Basics of energy storage systems
  • Basics of rotating electric machines
  • Induction machines
  • Synchronous machines
  • Basics of power electronics
  • Excursion

Learning Targets

The knowledge from this certificate course enables the participants to specify appropriate drive train topologies and components for electric vehicles based on a detailed analysis of the energy and power demand for a given use-case (driving profile).

Participants Voice

“The online course “Hybrid and Electric Vehicles” proved to be a valuable and enriching experience for us: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Doppelbauer has great experience and superlative communication skills. The lecturer answered our questions and his supplementary anecdotes and information made the three day course really come to life.”

Gianluca Di Fulvio, EMEA Applications Engineering Group Manager at National Instruments


We expect participants to have a first University Degree (Bachelor or equivalent) and recommend a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the specific field of the course.

Registration & Organizational Details

  • Format: On-Campus
  • Group size: The course is bookable for a group of minimum 5 people and a maximum of 15 people
  • Costs: 2.870 EUR per participant. Please ask us for a special company and alumni rates

For individual scheduling of this 3-day certificate course especially for your company please contact our program consultants.

Ms. Martina WaldnerHECTOR School, KIT
Contact me for consultation

Martina Waldner (she/her)
Senior Program Consultant

info does-not-exist.hectorschool com

+49 721-608-48075