Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Hiller, Electrotechnical Institute at KIT and Professor for Power Electronics and since 2019 Program Director at HECTOR School gives insights into his concerns and hopes of developments regarding his research area:
Short abstract about his CV
Marc Hiller graduated in electrical engineering at TU Darmstadt and then obtained his PhD in electrical engineering at the University of the Federal Armed Forces München. He was in charge for the development of converters at Siemens AG and in 2015 he joined KIT. His research work focuses on power converters, the modelling of electrical machines and grids, as well as the integration of energy storage solutions in future energy applications.
Major research projects focus on power converters for future electrical grids. This includes publicly funded projects as well as industry projects with converter and power semiconductor manufacturers.
Currently hyped topics are AI algorithms for the use in power electronic applications and all kind of SiC-based DC/DC converters for future grid applications.
What area are you working in?
At our institute we work in the field of power electronics, i.e. the conversion of electrical energy using power semiconductors.
In addition, we deal with the application-oriented use of all kinds of energy storage technologies to build future energy grids as efficiently and robustly as possible.
Which industries do you support with your research?
We support manufacturers of converter systems and power semiconductors. Furthermore we are in strong collaborations with users of power electronic systems, e. g. grid operators.
Thinking about your research area and the influences on industry, environment, or the society, what are the risks/what are your worrying about?
I am concerned that energy system transformation will be delayed due to hesitant and short-term thinking by stakeholders. An objective pricing of CO2 emissions is therefore urgently needed to promote and quickly establish the necessary technologies.
Thinking about your research area and the influences on industry, environment, or the society what are the opportunities, what makes you feel optimistic?
In the medium and long term, electrical grids at all voltage levels will develop into meshed networks dominated by power electronics, with decentralized generation and storage of energy and bidirectional power flow. For this reason, power electronics will be able to make a very decisive contribution to the success of the energy and mobility transition.
What are you particularly proud of? / Your greatest success
My greatest success in industry has been the award as inventor of the year 2009 in Siemens AG as well as the first successful commercial commissioning of a completely new power converter technology.
One Question – one Word-Answer
What is your favourite place in Karlsruhe/ or at the KIT?
Which book did you read lately?
“Origin” by Dan Brown.
What is your favorite App?
Internet radio.
One word for HECTOR School:
Your favorite Tool for your work:

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