One step further toward autonomous public transportation
We are on a roadmap to automated mobility. Until we are completely autonomous in maybe 10 years, Program Director Prof. Sax is working on an intermediate step: platooning is the magic word. There is a human driver in the front vehicle, and the rear vehicle follows. For this to work, a complicated process must be implemented. Challenges include the data stream that is sent to the rear vehicle. This additionally needs sensor technology to ensure safety at close range - and identification points of the front vehicle so that it can follow. In Engineering Module 4 of the M.Sc. in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management, participants build their own platoon vehicle. The pioneering project in Berlin will be tested next year and hit the road in 2023. How fast do you think you would be in implementing it?
Here is (the German) publication to bus platooning in Berlin.

This program introduces processes, methods and tools to solve the current and future challenges of e-mobility, autonomous driving, communication-over-the-air, and worldwide release & configuration management.
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