The HECTOR School of Engineering and Management is the Technology Business School of the world-wide established Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
We offer high-level further education programs for top performers. Our focus lies on providing professionals with state-of-the art technology and management know-how. Thanks to the close conjunction with the KIT, the HECTOR School has international excellence in research and teaching at its disposal.

Our six Master of Science programs combine cutting-edge technology and management expertise. Designed in close cooperation with the industry, they are a perfect match for ambitious engineers, computer scientists, and economists.
Read more about our Master´s Programs
The world of employment is becoming more dynamic and complex. Businesses need to react to events more and more quickly. Find compact continuing education formats designed for professionals in the HECTOR School Academy.
Learn more about our courses
KIT is an official University of Excellence. The exceptional quality of both research and teaching at KIT is repeatedly confirmed by different international rankings, so you can be sure to get the highest quality of education.
Learn how we make the grade
The admission requirements of our Master´s programs are a first academic degree in a relevant subject, at least 1-2 years work experience, and English language proficiency. There are specific requirements for the particular Master´s programs.
Check if you meet the requirements
Welcome to our unique location in the center of Karlsruhe: Modern lecture halls and seminar rooms, quiet rooms for studying and lingering between vivid shopping streets, the historic castle and a park for relaxing and walking.
Come to our premiere location
HECTOR School maintains strategic alliances with companies worldwide. In order to foster their future competitiveness, we provide high-level lifelong learning solutions tailor-made for industry needs. Transform innovation through knowledge with us.
Benefit from the best
Get to know our programs, the university, Karlsruhe and the HECTOR School team
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Visit our HECTOR School Campus in Karlsruhe!
Sign up for the next campus tour on April 4, 2025
Katrin Olböter (she/her)
Manager Recruitment & Admissions
info ∂does-not-exist.hectorschool com
+49 721 608 47019